Drivers testing What is testing and what is its objective By testing we denote checking the knowledge of the Driving Regulations effective as of the date of the test within the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as checking the skills of safe driving. The test’s objective is to find out the level of Driving Regulations knowledge and ability to efficiently apply them, as well as abilities to detect road traffic dangers and risks and avoid them. The test is NOT meant for: checking reliability against provocations to violate the Driving Regulations when driving; dismissal from job; punishment or any prosecution whatsoever.
How we structure the test The test in done on-site. First, we test the knowledge of the Driving Regulations effective as of the date of the test within the territory of the Russian Federation. We use software very similar to the one they use at the state exam. The test asks 20 questions within 20 minutes. Usually, we do not allow more than 4 mistakes; however, in certain cases we apply specially provided for test result assessment criteria. You can get more information about it from you company’s manager in charge with testing and interaction with our company.
Which driving parameters we observe and which criteria we use Having checked the Driving Regulations knowledge, we test the practical driving safety. As a rule, we admit only the students who have successfully passed the first stage of the test (Driving Regulations).
During the practice, we test if the student: 1. Correctly prepares the vehicle for driving, checks if everything is in place; 2. Safely starts, stops, maneuvers; 3. Knows the key rules of crossing intersections and setting traffic priorities, use their advantages, understand other drivers’ intentions, neutralize the emerging dangers. 4. Knows the main communication channels between the drivers and uses them efficiently. 5. Can forecast the development of road traffic situations and avoid dangers as soon as reasonable. To help you understand how unique are criteria are when it comes to driving safety assessment, I’d like to tell you about the exams in the United States. They have a list of things you cannot do at all. You do it once and the exam is over. In Russia we also have a list like this. Let us compare them. In Russia you cannot: drive the red light, cross solid lines, touch curb, disobey inspector’s command and go over the speed limit even by 1 km/hour (the 9 km/hour standard does not apply to driving applicants). In the United States, the list is a bit different: you don’t pass the exam if you cannot choose a safe driving speed in a traffic stream, cannot safely enter or exit a freeway, cannot correctly turn right against red light (some states even allow left turn onto a one-way road), cannot keep a safe distance around the car, especially on the sides. I could go on and on but there’s no need: you already figured out that Russians observe Driving Regulations compliance. What matter to the Americans is how a driver can “blend into the environment”. Our criteria to assess driving safety are based on similar principles. There’s no point in driving precisely “as provided for by the Driving Regulations” when our trainer is observing. If it’s not safe (which happens quite frequently in major cities, it’s pointless.
What the test may involve At the test you may be asked to start moving uphill, change lanes, stop, U-turn (including U-turn in intersections), drive at a maximum allowed speed (if the road condition is okay), park and reverse park, and then some.
What you should do to stop the test immediately and get a “failed” The trainer stops the test immediately if you are about to damage the car — on the parking or on the road, even accidentally. This is the main thing. Here are a few examples of such actions, to help you prepare to the test. This list is by no means exhaustive and contains only the actions we deem necessary to disclose. • Start engine on engaged gear with the clutch not thrown out;
The test finishes with the trainer announcing the result: “Passed” or “Failed”. As a rule, the trainers announce the results immediately after the test is completed, in the car or outside. Then the result is provided to your employer or to you if you ordered the driving test.
Our company trainers cannot provoke you to violate the Driving Regulations (not to be confused with the ability to correctly apply the effective Driving Regulations). They cannot ask you to perform any maneuver in some specific area except for turning in intersections (“Please stop here, U-turn in this intersection”). The trainer can say something like: “Please choose a spot for U-turn, and U-turn”. Then you’re free to decide where and how you U-turn. The trainer will observe the spot you choose and how you turn from the safety point of view. Our company’s Ethics Code forbids trainers to raise voice at you, bark, yell, judge your actions, break the common ethical norms. All humans make mistakes; we know it since we are human, too. Our task is to react to your mistakes in a calm and respectful manner.
How to report rude trainer behavior, if it happened If you believe that the trainer’s actions are unethical, please let us know. Provide as many details as possible. Please send the message to: trust-line@rauc.ru. We will look into it without fail.